Or is being nice be defined as acts of kindness, gentleness? what about showing real interest in someone, showing they really want to understand what they are saying or doing, without passing judgement - to me that would make me feel like the person was being 'nice' to me!
Can you mend someones broken heart, or is it purely a choice of theirs? If you process emotions by really feeling them, not trying to define them, and when they start to feel different (in any way) just release them, let them go - and if you do this with your painfully "bruised and betrayed heart" then you can heal yourself. In fact, I don't think anyone else can put you back together again - only you can.
Can you rectify broken trust, or is that someones decision, their judgement call - so no matter what you do to try and be trustworthy, they may not trust you - so don't even try, and it is not your responsibility to make yourself trusted.
From listening to Neale Donald Walsch: "Trust only comes into play when you are afraid of an outcome. If you are doing what you are doing in order to have a particular outcome, then you are opening yourself up to the possibility of disappointment. However if you have no attachment to any outcome, then if it all falls apart - it is okay too - so, don't care about how it turns out"
Embrace every outcome - no matter what it is. If you have no expectations, then there can be no pressure to achieve or perform or live up to - and then there can be no judgement - and there is no outcome to be afraid of. Betrayal itself depends on a particular expectation of behaviour. However if you place no demands of expectation, then there can be no betrayal - and surely this engenders a satisfying feeling of security and lack of anything to worry about.
There is a wonderful video on the Neale's website where he describes Fear as being based on a Need and concern that it will either be lost or that we will not be able to obtain it. If you do not Need anything, but Enjoy everything, then there will be no worry of losing or not getting that need. And because of the "way things work" you will naturally attract everything you enjoy by doing this!
...Read the next post for more of unveiling of my Soul: Bending our Own Reality
...Read the post that preceded this one, go here: Unthinkable Freedom
...Start at the Beginning of the exposure of my soul, go here: The Exposed Me
He cannot trust me, he said. Nothing I do can change that perception. Be nice, he said. Getting a lawyer was Not Nice.